Tuesday 18 March 2014

The Real Red Riding Hood booklet

This is my final piece of work for the fairy tale project, where I was tasked to create a piece of work to do with the theme of fairy tales, where I had to do something that had to be different from other peoples   work. 

I choose to do Little Red Riding Hood because I had done some drawings based around the theme, which I wanted to continue with the topic. I had scanned the drawings in which I showed before and using the colour filter on Photoshop I added colour to my drawings, where for every drawing shown, the colours for the wolf and Little Red Riding Hood are similar which match each other in every drawing, with the red colours used for the girl and the grey colours used for the wolf. I had all the drawings printed out on a booklet, where the drawings tell a different story from the original version. I also added text to the drawings to help tell the story.

I like my final piece because I believe all the colours used in the drawings all link well with each other and the drawings used match each story line, but next time I need to add more detail to some sections of the drawings.

The top image is the cover and the second image of the wolf with no text is the back cover. 


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