Monday 17 March 2014

fairy tale drawings

Here are five drawings I've done of evil figures, that are used in fairy tales. I drew them first in pencil then I went over them with black pen ink. I found these images from the internet and drew them by trying to draw them accurately and detailed. I like the drawings because I believe the detail of the original images has transferred onto my drawings well in most sections, but next time I need to draw some of the overall shapes and some of the detail on my drawings more accurately. I need to now put them on Photoshop and add colour to them, to see how they work with the colours from the original images.  

I feel these drawings have allowed me to explore ways of working with different fairy tale themes, like fairy tales with animals involved.

These drawings link with my snap card projected, where I drew the football club badges from the internet and tried to drew them as accurate as I could, but I feel some of the detail from these drawings are drawn more accurate than some sections of the club badge drawings.   

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